Message from Dr. Rick Glazier – April 2019

As my first quarter as Scientific Director concludes, IHSPR is hard at work preparing for a very eventful Spring season!
We are looking forward to the 2019 Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research Conference that will be taking place from May 29-31 in Halifax. This year’s theme “When Research Meets Policy” will bring together the best and brightest minds in the country. Healthcare leaders from Nova Scotia and across Canada will talk openly about what they value in health services research and noted researchers will explain how they make their findings helpful to decision makers. Join us on May 29th at 1pm for a panel discussion on “Training for Impact: Lessons Learned from the Health System Impact Fellowship’s Enriched Core Competencies,” featuring Health System Impact Fellows and mentors.
Budget 2019 provided some great news for science and specifically, the health research leaders of tomorrow, with an announcement of $32M over five years to create more graduate student scholarships, and $14M over five years to expand parental leave coverage from six months to 12 months for students and post-doctoral fellows. Building capacity through training modernization is an area in which IHSPR has invested significantly, and I am delighted to see the Government’s commitment to creating more opportunities for graduate students.
This spring, there are a number of funding opportunities on the horizon, so I encourage you to take a moment and check out the list featured in this latest edition of our newsletter for more information and upcoming application deadlines. Our goal is to help you stay up-to-date on IHSPR’s activities through regular updates to our website, e-bulletins, and newsletters. We hope that our efforts to keep you informed have been useful.
Best wishes for a wonderful spring!
Rick Glazier
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